Rajasthan Road App ‘Hamsafar’ to Reduce Accidental Deaths in the Coming Times

Hamsafar will provide details on nearby hospitals, police stations and emergency service to help reduce time

Raje Government will launch the new-generation road-safety app on December 13…

When we can save our travel time by booking taxis on mobile apps, can’t we use a similar concept to reduce response time when accidents occur?” This idea led young bureaucrat Inderjeet Singh into developing a cutting-edge mobile app to provide instant help after an accident. Rajasthan Road app ‘Hamsafar’, the brainchild of Chittorgarh Collector Singh, aims to decrease road accidents deaths in Rajasthan to half its number by 2020.

Hamsafar was Devised Amidst Rising Death Toll in Rajasthan

India’s largest state Rajasthan has total highway cover worth 11,716 sq. km. Being a progressive state, it enjoys a good share of road transport, especially automobiles fleeting on roads. However, a report published by Ministry of Road Transport and Highways in early 2016 revealed that Rajasthan ranks fifth among other states that experience maximum road casualties owning to accidents. With more than 10,510 people losing their lives on road, Rajasthan contributed a share of 4.8% in total road accidents occurring in India. This was a frightening number for Rajasthan government, which invested relentless efforts on improving road connectivity and infrastructure.

Chittarugarh Collector Inderjeet Singh is the mastermind behind Rajasthan Road App Hamsafar.

Rajasthan Road App Hamsafar will Help Achieve WHO’s Brasilia Declaration

‘The Brasilia Declaration on Road Safety’ organized in Brazil last November, was co-sponsored by WHO. In this high-level conference, 2200 delegates from different countries adopted WHO’s mission to halve road traffic deaths by the end of this decade. This was a part of new SDG (Sustainable Development Goal’ set by WHO for 2011-2020.

Keeping in line with this thought, State Transport Minister Yunus Khan announced the launch of Hamsafar app on December 13. Raje government sees it as an excellent platform for generating awareness and accomplishing WHO’s goal.

The app is likely to have details on emergency services, nearby hospitals, petrol ambulance service and police station. Users can access contact details of various establishments to report accidents or seek help from the authorities. The app is rumoured to have instructions on safe driving and how to deal with road accidents. We don’t have an exact idea as to how it works. We guess, we’ll have to wait for its release to get a first-hand experience.

There will be immediate response in the shortest possible time as police officers, district administration, hospital and other stakeholders will get real-time notifications through the app when a user reports an accident“, Khan said.

Rajasthan government is confident that it’ll achieve road safety with this application. The authorities are attempting to prepare nearby establishments for road emergencies. This new milestone is likely to inspire other states to fall into Rajasthan’s footstep.


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